Our Wellness Center offers a variety of treatments and services ranging from Astrology to Therapeutic Massage.

Please find below our different categories, and their offerings.


  • "Know Thyself" was written in the temple of Apollo in Delphi. Over the ages humans have developed valuable tools for self-knowledge - Astrology being one of the oldest. With the recent Astrological Renaissance, new systems like Gene Keys and Human Design (astrology-based tools that incorporate timeless wisdom) are now at one's reach. This session will help you to receive information that will provide guidance in your life-path. Exact birth date, time, and place must be provided 24 hours before the session.

  • Astrology can help facilitate a deep dive into your inner psyche, where there is a rich tapestry of mythological cosmic archetypes wanting to express their beauty through and all around us. Understanding your birth chart can be an incredibly validating experience.

    She is inspired by her teacher who teaches on the lunar nodes of the moon, and how it can “light up the radiant star light in each of us unfolding our Destiny line. Your natal chart is the menu, not the meal.”- Mark Jones of the Pluto School.

Deep Tissue

  • This massage is focused on treating the deepest layers of the muscle tissue, tendons and fascia (the protective layer surrounding muscles, bones and joints). The deeper pressure applied is beneficial in releasing chronic muscle tension.

  • Designed to target chronic muscle tension and knots buried deep within the body's layers. This therapeutic technique utilizes firm pressure and slow strokes to reach underlying tissues, releasing tension, improving mobility, and promoting overall relaxation. Ideal for those seeking intense muscle relief and deep relaxation.

  • A full body massage that can be tailored to particular needs and specific tensions in the body. Best suited for individuals that engage in highly physical activities, or for those who have a sedentary lifestyle. Deep pressure targets the inner lays off the muscles and fascia, and soreness may occur post-treatment. This treatment may promote faster healing by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation.

  • Deep Tissue Massage involves applying sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes. It targets the innermost layers of muscle tissue, tendons and fascia, giving you very specific results. It helps with faster recovery from muscle soreness and chronic tension, relieves pain and stress, breaks down scar tissue that forms following an injury, increases joint mobility and results in better immune response and faster metabolism.

  • A synthesis of deep and soft connective tissue manipulation, joint release, and energy and breath work. Through slow, skillful, and deep strokes, tensions and adhesions in the muscle and fascia are released and joints can let go of their rigid movement patterns. Together with the gentle invitation to bring a deeper breath and nonjudgmental curiosity to the targeted areas in the body, limiting emotional and mental attitudes can come into your awareness - opening up what was once stuck.


  • We are much more than physical beings. Reiki healing is based on energy transfer that reaches the mind, spirit, and body. The potential of Reiki is immense, deeply relaxing, and known to help with chronic pain, boost the immune system, enhance the body's ability for self-healing , and even root out deeply seated beliefs.

  • Sound therapy is a holistic approach to wellness that utilizes the therapeutic properties of vibration to promote physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. This practice is based on the belief that soon can profoundly impact the human body and mind; influencing one's energy, mood, and overall health. The session will include various approaches to vibrations: affirmations, aromatherapy, and a variety of instruments. Benefits include stress reduction, improved sleep, emotional release, and spiritual growth.

  • Craniosacral therapy is a hands-on therapy that assists the body’s natural capacity for self-repair. It is a subtle and deep healing treatment that uses a very light touch (5 grams) to encourage the body to heal itself.

    Craniosacral therapy is based on subtle, cyclic micro-movement in the body called the cerebrospinal fluid pulse, the therapist's intention is to listen through the hands and create a supportive environment so that the client’s system starts its own self-healing process.

  • This is an intuitive treatment that focuses on indulging in taking care of and bringing together inner harmony. The amount of pressure given follows what your body & mind want! Techniques include relaxing or deep-pressure massage, stretching, intuitive reiki, breathing exercises. aromatherapy, cupping, and FasciaBlasting.

  • Reiki is a spiritual life force energy healing technique that is focused and transferred through the palms of the hands, placed on the body, or without contact. The Reiki energy is felt deeply at all levels physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

  • Help the flow of energy and remove blockages in a similar way to acupuncture or acupressure, without always relying on touch. By improving the flow of energy around the body, we enable relaxation, relieve pain, and hold space for healing. Reiki is an intuitive practice that relies on your trust and letting go of control and expectations. This treatment may focus on a specific area, or the whole body, and may incorporate essential oils, sound, and balancing of chakras. Please wear comfortable clothing.

  • Experience a unique fusion of serenity and self-discovery with our therapy combining Reiki and the Mettā Bhāvanā meditation of Vipassana. Guided by the healing energy of Reiki and the introspective depth of Mettā Bhāvanā meditation, we invite you on a journey toward inner harmony and the expansion of benevolent love. Immerse yourself in this integrative practice that nourished both body and mind, allowing for a deep connection with yourself and the universe around you. Discover your inner peace and balance.

  • Based on the understanding that symptoms of trauma are a result of a deregulation in the nervous system. Sessions are normally done face to face, but involve a minimal amount of talking about your traumatic experiences. Using a series of practices, we will gently release the physical sensations, feelings, thoughts and images related to these memories.

  • During our time together you will find the space to explore any issue that you would like to have a deeper look at. With compassionate listening, somatic experiencing, and parts work, we will create an embodied sense of safety that allows your nervous system and psyche to gently unpack, unravel, and unburden the negative self-beliefs and unprocessed pain. You will relax deeper into your authentic being and reconnect with its profound sensitivity, joy, and love.

  • This practice involves light holding of the skull, pelvis, and sacrum with barely detectable movements. Your body responds to this sensitive touch by beginning to listen to itself, and allowing itself to settle into a greater calm. Whether you have acute or long-standing physical ailments, or wish to let go of fear and emotional tension held in the body, this non-invasive subtle body work will support your body's innate ability to replenish, balance, and restore itself.


  • A therapeutic practice that involves stimulation specific points on your feet and hands. These points correspond to different areas of your body and organs. This gentle treatment has a reflexive effect, helping to address and prevent various health issues. Enjoy the soothing benefits of Foot Reflexology for a holistic and relaxing experience.

  • The underlying theory of foot reflexology is based on TCM concepts of "Qi", a life force energy. This therapy, which combines relaxation massage and acupressure on meridian points, is a great choice is you're looking for a holistic approach to the healing and health of your overall body. Reflexology is deeply relaxing, however some points might present as painful or uncomfortable as blockages of energy are being treated. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing which allows massage from knees down.


  • A relaxing massage is a smooth, gentle treatment that relieves muscle tension, increases blood circulation and promotes a general sense of relaxation.

  • A classic technique that soothes the body and mind. Using long, flowing strokes, kneading, and gentle circular motions, this massage promotes circulation, eases muscle tension, and induces a state of deep relaxation. Perfect for reducing stress, improving flexibility, and restoring balance to your body and spirit.

  • A whole body relaxation massage that features long, deep circular movements, kneading, Pranassage, and oceanic breathing. You will feel the release of tension, calming of the nervous system, and connection with sensations in your body.

  • This technique promotes relaxation by increasing the level of oxygen in blood, balancing the nervous system, stimulating circulation and decreasing muscle toxins.

  • Achieve deep relaxation and tension relief with this relaxing massage. Designed for those facing tense situations, stress, anxiety, or mild depression. This massage prioritizes soft, oscillatory movements.


  • FasciaBlasting is a form of fascial manipulation that helps to restore your body, achieve firmer skin, experience less muscle and joint pain, and increase circulation. FasciaBlasting can be used for multiple reasons: to minimize downtime after workouts and increase mobility, reduce pain, irradicate cellulite, etc.

  • A whole-body massage with the intention to release tension, enter a state of deep relaxation, increase blood flow, detoxify, and increase the production of serotonin. Methods used include: tapping, shaking, Pranassage, intuitive touch, and deep circular movements. Through the body, we can access more profound layers of ourselves; knowing and honoring the relationship between the body, mind, and spirit.

  • Experience the liberation of endorphins - your natural mood-boosting hormones that regulate pain and enhance your overall well-being. Opt for a hot compress to enhance circulation and deepen the massage's effects. This treatment is ideal for stress relief, relaxation, and addressing posture-related tensions. Additional techniques like percussion gun, electrotherapy, and cupping may be offered when needed.

  • Enhance blood circulation and range of motion with our cupping therapy. By creating a vacuum effect, this natural treatment increases oxygenation, myofascial release, muscle relaxation, and promotes the elimination of toxins. It is ideal for reducing pain and muscle discomfort, as well as promoting overall wellbeing.

  • Item Our comprehensive physical therapy services offer therapeutic and rehabilitation treatments for various ailments. We employ therapeutic exercises, physical agents, and manual techniques such as stretching, traction, and massage therapy. Plus, we offer advanced options like the percussion gun, electrotherapy, hot compress, and cupping.

  • A body work approach that is specifically tailored to each client according to their momentary needs; taking into consideration one's physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Using a blend of dynamic mobilizations, subtle energy work and gentle holds, your body can release tension and the nervous system can come back to balance. You will feel nourished in your mind, heart and body.

  • This whole body treatment consists of deeply relaxing, long massage strokes and the application of an Organic Salt-Lemon Body Scrub. While the massage will increase the overall flow of circulation, the Body Scrub extracts the toxins from the body, reduces inflammation, and also eliminates dead skin cells - leaving your skin regenerated, toned and glowing. If you have sensitive, sunburnt or irritated skin, there is an alternative Sugar-Lavender-Mint option without the detoxifying benefits.


  • Based on a mixture of traditional Mayan abdominal methods, Thai massage, and Reiki, this session offers a deep dive into the area where most of our major organs are located. Although this area is rarely stimulated by other types of therapy, it tends to hold powerful emotions. Benefits include improved digestion, reduced bloating, and relief from IBS, SIBO, and IBD. For women, it helps to ease menstrual pain and optimize pelvic health, as well as lending to stronger postpartum recovery.

  • A ceremony using the ancient practice of Mayan Abdominal Massage to release tension in the abdominal area and the womb, to help the uterus contract back after birth, improve pelvic health, help treat infertility & irregular menstruation, and to release blocked emotions, and also awaken our natural sensuality and body awareness.

    This is an integral and holistic massage, working on the emotional, energetic and physical levels, helping the body restore harmony in its natural balance.

    This ritual includes 1:1 consultation, breast-back-sacral massage.

    It is necessary to bring a scarf/sarong for wrapping the abdominal area.

  • Cleanse from within with this excellent detoxification. Gentle strokes encourage lymphatic system to eliminate metabolic waste, and toxins.

  • Relieve stress and tension in the areas where it most commonly accumulates. This specialized massage technique focuses on your back, neck, and shoulders. Experience moderate pressure with passive joint mobility to create a sense of lightness and relaxation. Add advanced options like the percussion gun, electrotherapy, or cupping,


  • I hold an emphasis on making you feel cared for, on a deep relaxation state, and in-depth awareness of your body sensations and lightness feeling. This massage is performed on a mat, you must bring comfortable stretchy clothes. Muscle compression, joint mobilization, and acupressure are used during this treatment.

  • An adaptation of a traditional Thai mat massage. Using acupressure from the fingers, hands and elbows, this treatment takes a tour of the energy meridians to promote free circulation. Expect guided and passive stretching and twisting. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing.

  • Your session with start with reflexology on the feet, and will then incorporate acupressure along the sen lines of the legs, arms and spine. Gentle, facilitated stretching will help to loosen and lengthen stiff joints and muscles. This treatment will be practiced on a mat on the floor. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing.


  • Alleviate pain in various parts of your body caused by trauma, poor posture, or stress. This therapeutic massage involves the manipulation of soft tissues and offers the benefits of muscle relaxation, improved circulation, and emotional wellbeing. Option to add-on hot compress, percussion gun, electrotherapy, or cupping.

Please note:

Our Wellness Center treatments are available to book after your arrival, and are only available for our guests.

If you are curious as to general open availability on any given day, please ask our team at the Front Desk to assist you.